Valentine Dating Site

Posted onby admin

The odd thing about this blog post is that it would never have been written had it not been for a spam email message sent to me from either or a person or entity affiliated with them. The spam email sent to me came from [email protected] So obviously based on my reviews is not legit and is a scam. The spam email message stated the following and had the following banner:

  1. Register to contact Valentine Dating Site for Singles members!
  2. The Valentime is an international site that helps dynamic people socialize from wherever they come from. Our search feature enables striking up chats rather quickly, especially with people you find are on the same wavelength as you from the very start.
  3. The Valentime is an international site that helps dynamic people socialize from wherever they come from. Our search feature enables striking up chats rather quickly, especially with people you find are on the same wavelength as you from the very start.

Find the hottest girls on Earth here! Spam Email Message

Valentine Dating Site, Valentine Personals. is a 100% free online dating and personal ads site. There are a lot of Valentine singles searching romance, friendship, fun and more dates. Join our Valentine dating site, view free personal ads of single people and talk with them in chat rooms in a real time.

Now, on my way to, there was also which asks a series of questions in which my answers don’t seem to have any relevance. I added the screenshot above to make sure people know that I didn’t go in search of they came after me. Now, as many of my readers know as far as international dating goes I’ve been a huge fan of Foreign Affair which is not only a dating website but also an introductions service, I’ve written and spoken very highly of their romance tours and their adherence to U.S laws. Well, while doing my investigations is an international dating website.

Personal thoughts regarding

To start, allow me to point out what I know about Valentime firstly their phone number is, +1 (844) 700-2788, secondly their business and their business address as of December 12, 2018, is “Renderwison LTD (1 Apriliou,47 Demetriou Building 2, 1st floor, Flat Office 12, 3117, Limassol, Cyprus). I advise anyone who lives outside of Cyprus to consider reading and consider reading, printing out the terms of service and Privacy Policy prior to joining.

As many of my readers are well aware, I began writing these posts because I was scammed by a foreign-owned dating website and when I tried to defend myself from their fraudulent billing practices the foreign-owned dating website told me I should have read the terms and conditions, lesson learned for me and this is why unlike other so-called review sites I don’t write positively about dating websites I didn’t have a positive experience with. I say this because there are a lot of so-called review sites that give 5 and 10-star perfect reviews to dating websites they’ve never tried.

There are rules and regulations to international dating if you live in the U.S or a western country with laws similar to the U.S you might want to consider an international dating service like Foreign Affair which actually based in the U.S and who can honestly answer your questions. More than anything what separates Foreign Affair from all other international dating websites is their romance tours. If you’re serious about international dating you’ll consider the Foreign Affair romance tour.

I’m writing this in December 2018, and we have open calls to come join us in January, it’s a life-changing experience as the people who join us are serious about finding a companion.

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Final thoughts regarding

To you spammers out there, don’t waste your time with me, my recommendations are based on experience only. Do I think is a scam? Yes, I do not think Valentime is legit based on my reviews. With that said I don’t write these reviews to tell people what to do with their time or their money, a lot of the proof of what is all about can be found out by reading their terms, they also have email and phone support so any questions or concerns you have regarding should be sent to their staff directly. I want to also point out that yes, I’m aware of Valentime’s website resemblance of whom I’ve called legit in other posts, however, they didn’t spam me and they’re part of Basta Inc. so I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there, I stay out of the business side things. Plus I’m no longer subscribed with being that I find Foreign Affair to be a far better option.

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I have been told by subscribers that is a scam, I may have to revise that post in the future if this is proven. As many of you know as far as international dating is concerned I only recommend one service,Foreign Affair you don’t have to worry about being scammed when you join Foreign Affair being that their entire service revolves around meeting in person, even though Foreign Affair has an online component, it’s entire service revolves around it’s Romance Tours, most if not all of the video, written, pictorial, vlog and radio testimonials from Foreign Affair come from their Romance Tours.

Foreign Affair is American owned and they follow IMBRA(International Marriage Broker Regulation Act) so if you’re American, I recommend that you consider them prior to international dating, because in case you haven’t noticed the current U.S President-elect, who by the way married a Woman who was not born in the United States has been cracking down illegal migration.

I’ve been the one consistent voice for Foreign Affair and my reasoning was simple, they follow U.S law, take the risk with these foreign-owned dating websites if you want, but don’t say I didn’t try and help you. Lastly, I want to again ask all my readers and those of you who stumbled on this post to consider joining us on the upcoming Romance Tour, man up and come have fun with some single ladies.

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