Dating App Popularity By State

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Which dating app will you be using for St Valentine’s Day? We had a quick look at the dating apps sector across major countries to identify which were the leading apps in each market. One app has managed to be the worldwide market leader by far. However, the challengers depend from one country to another. Check out our report for further details.

The data, displayed in the map below, shows that New Hampshire is the best state to use dating apps in the U.S., and the most popular dating app to use there is Tinder. Massachusetts is the second best state, according to the research, and singles prefer to use OkCupid there. Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Maine make up the rest of the top five. used Google Trends data to determine which dating apps and sites were statistically the most popular in each state. Overall, it found sites that cater to particular religions.

How to build a market research report with App & Market Intelligence

Using our new App and Market Intelligence Add-Ons, we can rapidly pull data for top dating apps in major countries and compare their download share. Don’t miss out on these amazing new AppTweak features that will allow you to build great market research reports in only a couple of minutes.

For this analysis, we focused on some major mobile markets per continent. The selected countries were: the United States, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Japan, and South Korea.

For each country, we selected the top dating apps - we used our Market Intelligence Top Charts feature to rapidly identify top-performing dating apps in each market. The analyzed apps are: Tinder, Happn, Bumble, LivU, Hinge, Match, Coffee meets Bagel, and Inside Circle.

We then created a report in App Intelligence for these countries and apps to compare their downloads. In a couple of clicks, we could identify worldwide leading apps vs. local leaders. Read below to discover the market share of the leading dating app and which dating apps are specific to a country.

Tinder is n°1 worldwide dating app by far

When we sum the downloads of all the analyzed apps in all the considered countries, Tinder stands out as the leading app by far. This is true on both the App and Play Store.

The download history of analyzed apps across all selected countries and both App and Play Store.

The total downloads of the Tinder app are 3 times higher than the 2nd leading app Happn. Tinder represents 51% of overall downloads (across both Stores), Happn is far behind with 17% of downloads.

Share of downloads by app (App and Play Store summed).

Except for Tinder, the top apps vary considerably from App to Play Store

If we look at the total downloads of these apps across the selected countries on the App Store and the Play Store separately, we see that apart from Tinder, the top apps are totally different. On the Play Store, Happn and LivU appear in the 2nd and 3rd positions with 23% and 12% of download share respectively. On the App Store, Bumble and Hinge are the apps behind Tinder with 22% and 15% market share.

Share of downloads by app: Apple App Store vs. Google Play Store

These numbers show how different apps focus on each store. Tinder has a leading presence in both stores, however, Bumble and Hinge get most of their downloads from the App Store (66% and 79% respectively). Happn and LivU, on the other hand, concentrate their downloads from the Play Store with 87% and 86% of download share.

Share of downloads from the App and Play Store for each app.

Some countries are more fragmented than others

If we dig into the data per country, we see that Tinder is always the leading app. However, 2nd and 3rd apps differ from one country to another. We can also see that some markets are more fragmented than others.

Top 3 dating apps across countries (downloads from App and Play Store are summed)

According to the graphs above, we can see that the apps Bumble and LivU are the two dating apps that have managed to tap into the largest number of countries. Bumble appears among the top 3 apps in 7 of the 9 countries, and LivU among 5 out of 9.

We can also see that the app Happn is a real Tinder challenger in Brazil, India, and France. In these countries, Tinder’s position as leader isn’t as established as elsewhere, with the Indian market being the most fragmented. On the other hand, we can see that in Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, Tinder has totally crushed the competition with more than 70% of download share each time.

In addition, it’s interesting to note that Hinge appears in the top 3 dating apps of the English markets (US and UK), highlighting a focused strategy for that app. This also explains why the app gets such a high share of downloads from the App Store since both these markets have a high share of iPhones.

Finally, to totally interpret these numbers, it’s important to consider the size of each market. We had a look at the share of downloads from the lifestyle category that are driven from each of these countries on the App and Play Store.

Download share of the Lifestyle category by country

On the App Store, the US is by far the biggest market, with 44% of downloads from the Lifestyle category coming from that country. Japan is in 2nd position, emphasizing the importance of this country in terms of App Store downloads from the Lifestyle category.

PopularityDating App Popularity By State

On the Play Store, the leading countries are India (30%) and Brazil (21%), with the US only appearing in 3rd position (15%). South Korea and Japan also constitute big markets that aren’t to be ignored.

Continental EU countries and Saudi Arabia, however, are quite small markets for the Lifestyle category on both the App and Play Store. This is an indicator of how mobile dating is accepted in these countries.

A quick summary of Mobile Dating

To summarize,

  • Tinder is by far the world’s largest dating app, the app alone gets more than 50% share of total mobile dating downloads.
  • In some markets such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea, this leadership even goes up to more than 70% of download share.
  • India, France, and the United Kingdom are the most fragmented markets, with challenger apps such as Happn and Bumble representing a good portion of total download share.
  • Mobile dating is a big thing in countries such as the US, Brazil, Japan, and South Korea. However, the market is much smaller in countries such as France, Germany, and Saudi Arabia.

All this data was gathered from AppTweak’s App and Market Intelligence features. Sign up to the 7-day free trial and access this huge pool of data to conduct your own market research.

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It seems like there’s an app for everything and everyone these days. Interested in meeting your soulmate by being matched with them based on the things you both hate? There’s an app for that. Want to earn gift cards and other prizes by simply walking around? There’s also an app for that. At the beginning of 2018, there were over 2 million apps available for your downloading pleasure in Apple’s App Store – and even more at your disposal if you’re an Android user, with just over 2.5 million options available in the Google Play Store.

With thousands of apps being added each and every day, there is a lot to learn about users and their preferences and in turn, endless ways to analyze and utilize the data. As a text marketing company, we’re always interested in learning more about people’s cell phone habits, including the types of apps people use most often. This prompted us to use Google Trends search data from the past 12 months to explore the most popular apps in the U.S. for a few different categories: health and fitness, dating, and fantasy football. In addition, we also looked at the most popular app overall in each state regardless of category.

Looking for Love? The Most Popular Dating Apps in Each State

We first looked at search data for some of the most popular dating apps. While the popularity of Match, Tinder, and eHarmony shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, there were quite a few states where the most searched dating app was one we were not as familiar with. Coffee Meets Bagel, for starters, a popular search for residents of both Hawaii and California, helps match users without the use of swiping. And there’s Hater, an app antithetical to your run of the mill online dating site, where users are matched based on the things they dislike rather than shared interests that proved to be the most searched dating app for Nebraskans.

The most unique dating app from this study is Huggle, top search from Florida, which matches users based on their shared places they frequent most. Another interesting take away from this data was the popularity of LGBTQ+-focused dating apps, which account for 16% of most searched dating apps used across the U.S. By learning which dating apps are being searched for most, we are able to get a bigger picture about the ways people choose to connect in the digital age.


Health and Fitness Buffs’ Most Searched Apps

We next looked at searches for the 25 most downloaded free health and fitness apps as of 10/8/18. Fitbit continues to dominate the health and fitness app scene and takes the top spot for most searched health and fitness app in 28% of states. Other fitness tracking top contenders include MyFitnessPal, Lose It, and Nike Run Club which account for another 26% of states.

One app you may not be familiar with, unless you live in Louisiana or Mississippi, is Sweatcoin, an app that pays you in virtual currency everytime you exercise. The currency can then be exchanged for sports watches and gift cards, which makes for a great added incentive when deciding whether or not to hit the gym. An interesting take away from this particular category is the rise in apps focused on guided meditation, which include the Calm and Headspace apps. By using these apps, people may be seeking out something more to take on the day or simply relax and unwind at the end of a long day.

Fantasy Football Fans’ Top Apps

Dating App Popularity By State 2020

It’s the time of year for fantasy football and these popular apps are likely being used more than ever as we approach the NFL playoffs. After analyzing search data for some of the most popular fantasy football apps, there were clear favorites in each region of the U.S. The East, West, and Midwest all seem to have their own unique go-to search when it comes to building their fantasy teams. In the east, FanDuel, NFL Fantasy Football in the West, and Yahoo Fantasy Sports takes the top spot in the Midwest. The next top search is DraftKings which pops up in the Northeast and Southwest.

In the heavily populated states of New York and California, Footballguys Fantasy Football seems to be interesting fans. The reason for such a clear divide among regions could be multifaceted. Regional teams and their fans may designate a specific app as their favorite or there could be an element of apps ensuring peak rewards to bring more fans on board. Either way, it’s certainly interesting to see how where you live can have an effect on the searches you make.

The Most Searched Apps Overall

And finally, we have made it to the overall most searched app across all categories. For this portion of the study, we looked at searches by state for the 50 most downloaded apps as of 10/8/18. Entertainment apps appear to be the clear winner in these results, but the type of entertainment varies between games, music, social media, and TV & movies. Games, which account for 30% of states’ overall searches, include the popular Fortnite, Happy Color, and 2. Music apps comes in second, making up 14% of states’ top searches.

The top search in DC, Gmail, shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise and the same goes for Uber in Nevada. Initially, it was interesting to us that social media apps make up only 4% of states’ most searched apps, but many of these apps often come preinstalled on phones and tablets when purchased new, which could be the reason for low numbers in this particular category.

While there are many takeaways from the data gathered in this study, it’s clear that entertainment is a primary motivation behind many app searches and where you live can have a big impact on your searches. We’ll be curious to see which apps launch in 2019 and how the new additions impact searches in each state.